Anyone ambitious enough could always print out a paper copy, scan it into a PDF and redistribute it.
breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Re: Shepherding Textbook in Digital Format
by suavojr inafter years of leaked info, the gb has finally decided to publish their own shepherding textbook in epub format.. dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that the shepherding textbook is now available in epub,.
mobi, and pdf format.
And so it begins...
by StarTrekAngel inwife and i have not reported a single hour of fs in 3-4 months.
while my wife is mostly doing for me (positive thing), i know she would have rather done it.
elder asked me to turn in my fs report this past week and then he added... "we need to talk".
breakfast of champions
"Yes brother I would love to talk, but first, could you loan me $5000? We're realling going through some hard financial times. . . ."
You'll never hear from him again!
Really, you just have to say "I'm not interested in discussing anything, thanks."
Re: Shepherding Textbook in Digital Format
by suavojr inafter years of leaked info, the gb has finally decided to publish their own shepherding textbook in epub format.. dear brothers:.
we are pleased to inform you that the shepherding textbook is now available in epub,.
mobi, and pdf format.
breakfast of champions
Wow. At this point they must be figuring, What the hell. . . . It's already googleable/downloadable to the Forces of Evil that so desire. . . . .
Probably worth it to them to avoid printing costs.
These guys crash a Kingdom Hall on Memorial, video included
by Crazyguy in
to funny nice job....
breakfast of champions
There were a couple comments here how " the kids will see these apostates protesting and they'll be curious and they'll wake up blah blah blah."
Let me tell you: I was a kid around ten years old when some raving lunatic apostate just like these jerkoffs starts yelling and screaming nonsense in the middle of a circuit assembly. Honestly, I was scared as hell of this guy and I thanked God about twenty brothers surrounded him and kicked him the hell out of there.
So you want to know what's going through JW kids little brains when you pull this shit? They're scared as hell of you.
April video online, "endurance"
by bohm inapril video online.
at around 42 minutes, a women find jehovahs witness, but her husband is not too hot on the idea and so she has to study with her children in secret.
however eventually the husband prays to jehovah that if jehovah will help him find a leak in a construction he is working on, he will go to a meeting and presto, the next day jehovah help him find the leak so now he is a witness..
breakfast of champions
Okay. I'm quitting this board and going back.
On my way to school, I said "Oh dear god I need a coffee."
And you know what happened?
I walked into the on-campus Starbuck's, ordered a tall dark roast, and am now sipping a rich, aromatic cup of joe!
Praise Jehover!
Goodbye apostates! I'm outta here!
April video online, "endurance"
by bohm inapril video online.
at around 42 minutes, a women find jehovahs witness, but her husband is not too hot on the idea and so she has to study with her children in secret.
however eventually the husband prays to jehovah that if jehovah will help him find a leak in a construction he is working on, he will go to a meeting and presto, the next day jehovah help him find the leak so now he is a witness..
breakfast of champions
Just watched it (the "experience" at 42:00).
You know, each time I watch one of these JW broadcasts, I wonder how they could make them any loonier. . . .
They have again succeeded in the April edition!
These guys crash a Kingdom Hall on Memorial, video included
by Crazyguy in
to funny nice job....
breakfast of champions
Bunch of fucking lunatic assholes.
I'm an ABSENTHEIST. Are you also?
by EdenOne init just dawned on me.
the existence of god can't be proved, neither is there evidence of god's inexistence.
so, i'm neither theist neither atheist.
breakfast of champions
I might be an Absinthest . .
That's some tasty stuff! 😉
WT addresses the "rapture" teaching.
by wifibandit inlook at paragraph 15 of the 2015 july 15th study edition pg 18-19..
basically they admit to teaching the rapture (for the anointed remnant), just don't call it that!.
breakfast of champions
Heard the whole rapture thing right from Sanderson's mouth when we went to the July 2013 Wt study at his hall a couple years back: -
The 50 Ways to Be Disfellowshipped
by Wild_Thing ini was wondering ... what are all of the "official" reasons provided by elders for disfellowshipping someone?
i know the most common reasons are adultery and fornication, but what about the others?
a couple of years ago i traveled back to my hometown` and one of my old jw acquaintances told me that her grown son had been disfellowshipped for refusing to stop associating with another disfellowshipped person.
breakfast of champions
You Just slip out the back, JackMake a new plan, StanYou don't need to be coy, RoyJust get yourself freeHop on the bus, GusYou don't need to discuss muchJust drop off the key, LeeAnd get yourself free